Golden Beach-2 Appraisal Well
The Golden Beach Energy Storage Project (Project) presents an opportunity to assist the long-term transition to renewable energy by developing valuable infrastructure that will support Australia’s net-zero objectives. The next key milestone for the Project is the drilling of an appraisal well.
Appraisal Well Drilling
The Golden Beach-2 (GB-2) appraisal well was successfully drilled in June and July 2023.
Site Location
Drilling is taking place approximately 3.4km offshore from the township of Golden Beach. During the drilling operation, the jack-up drilling rig will be visible from the shoreline as pictured below. A 500m radius safety zone will be set-up around the rig for its operational duration.
Refer to the location map.
Drilling Operations Completed
The Valaris-107 jack up driling rig and support vessels, arrived at the GB-2 location on 24th June. Operations were completed on the 17th July, with the rig departing that day.
The Valaris-107 jack-up drilling rig, visible from the shoreline at Golden Beach. Image taken from Golden Beach,Campground #2.
Why is drilling necessary?
The Golden Beach Gas Field was discovered in 1967 and since then modern technologies to evaluate and characterise the geological environment have improved greatly. By collecting modern data sets and samples of the gas and rock, the Project can optimise the design for storage operations.
How does the drilling take place?
Jack-up rigs are typically used to drill wells in water depths less than 100m and the water in this location is approximately 20m.
To put the jack-up rig in place:
The rig will be towed to the location by support vessels
The three legs will then be lowered to the seabed
Once the legs are in place on the seabed, the hull will be elevated out of the water allowing drilling operations to commence
At the end of drilling operations, the legs are raised, allowing the rig to be towed away.
GB Energy has contracted the Valaris-107 jack-up drilling rig for this activity.
The well will be drilled vertically to an approximate depth of 700m. Once drilled and evaluated, the well will be safely and securely plugged and abandoned, in compliance with Australian regulations.
The drilling rig is unlikely to be heard from shore, barring extreme calm seas and the correct wind conditions. To be clear, there are no seismic surveying operations in this drilling operation.
The rig is visible from shore and at night, the rig and drilling support vessels will be lit up.
Environment Plan (EP)
The GB-2 EP has been approved by the regulator, Earth Regulation Resources (ERR).
The EP is a comprehensive document detailing the existing environment, potential impacts and risks of the activity, and describes how drilling will be conducted to manage, minimise or avoid environmental risks to be ‘ALARP’ (As Low As Reasonably Practicable).
All drilling activities will be subject to industry best practice standards and will be undertaken in accordance with all applicable environmental and safety legislation and regulations.
Following regulatory acceptance of the EP, a Summary Environment Plan will be published on the ERR website.
Upcoming Events in 2024
GB Energy will hold a number of drop in community sessions in Golden Beach to provide updates on the GB-2 drilling and the overall project. The dates will be advertised here, in local newspapers and via local community groups.
- Saturday 1st July. Golden Beach Community Centre (13:00 - 15:00)
- Thursday 20th July. Golden Beach Community Centre (16:30 - 19:00)
Operational Progress Updates
24th June: The Valaris-107 and support vessels arrived at the GB-2 location
30th June: Commencement of drilling operations on GB-2
9th July: Drilling operations completed. Commenced post drilling wireline evaluation program.
17th July: GB-2 Operations complete, with the Valaris-107 departing location at 21:00hrs.
Further Information
Please feel free to contact GB Energy about any questions you might have in relation to the drilling operation.