Offshore Geotechnical Investigations

Geotechnical Vessel - Sampling diagram

A simplified representation of offshore geotechnical investigations techniques

Offshore Geotechnical Investigations

GB Energy is commenced offshore geotechnical investigations in the Project area starting in late November 2024. Due to operational issues, operations were paused over December and shall recommence in early January 2025.

Geotechnical investigations are commonplace in the region, with a number of these conducted in the past five years for oil & gas, carbon capture & storage and offshore wind projects. 

The purpose of the geotechnical investigations is to assess and characterise the seabed to support a jack-up Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) that will be used to drill future production and injection wells at the Golden Beach Gas Field and to determine the suitability of the seabed for the offshore pipeline route. The activity will be conducted entirely within Victorian State in accordance with the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2010 (Vic) (OPGGS Act).

Geotechnical investigations are undertaken to evaluate the physical properties of soils, sands and rock layers on and beneath the seabed by using geotechnical equipment to recover samples, and are carried out using specialised vessels. The vessels must be able to remain stationary at a location by using anchors and be able to withstand extreme sea states and weather conditions.   

What activities take place during geotechnical investigations?

Grab sampling is used to take samples from the seabed surface and can be collected by a diver or remotely operated vehicle using a specialised vessel. A typical grab sampler will close around the sample and transport it to the surface for analysis and testing.

Cone penetration tests and borehole drilling are used to take detailed samples from various depths beneath the seabed and will require a suitable drilling unit.

This operation will be conducted using a seabed deployed drilling and coring unit, operated by divers in the water. One main vessel Samson Explorer will deploy the equipment and divers, with a secondary vessel Lobo, providing diver and logistical support.

The recovered samples will initially be photographed and described on the vessel, before being securely packed and transported for laboratory analysis. The results will determine the suitability of the seabed and shallow geological conditions to support future infrastructure, including a drill rig for drilling operations, and the pipelines and subsea infrastructure for the development of the project.

The geotechnical vessels will be visible from shore and at night, the vessel will be lit up.

There are no seismic operations or activity associated with these geotechnical investigations.

Geotechnical Investigations Area

The geotechnical investigations will take place within GB Energy’s offshore title VIC/RL1(v), entirely within Victorian state waters (see map on following page). The survey will range from approximately 750 m to 4 km from the Golden Beach shoreline.

During the operation a 500 metre radius safety zone would be in place around the vessel to protect it and other localised marine traffic. Contact details for the two vessels shall be published to local marine traffic.

Refer to the location map below.

Environment Plan (EP)

An approved EP is required under the Victorian Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (OPGGS) Regulations 2021 prior to undertaking offshore petroleum activities. 

GB Energy received approval of the Geotechnical Investigations Environment Plan from the Victorian Petroleum Regulator, Earth Resources Regulation, in October 2024.

The Environment Plan is a comprehensive document detailing the existing environment, potential impacts and risks of the activity, and describes how the geotechnical investigation will be conducted and how the project shall manage, minimise or avoid environmental risks to be ‘ALARP’ (As Low As Reasonably Practicable).

All activities will be subject to industry best practice standards and will be undertaken in accordance with all applicable environmental and safety legislation and regulations.

Consultation for the geotechnical investigations EP

Initial consultation has been completed for the submission of the Environment Plan. GB Energy would like to ensure the continued engagement with affected stakeholders during and following this operation.  

Confidentiality of feedback

Under Regulation 19(b) of the OPGGS Regulations 2021, any feedback you provide regarding the EP must be made available in its entirety as part of the EP submission. This will not be made publicly available and is submitted as ‘sensitive information’ to Resources Victoria for the purposes of verifying that consultation has taken place.

Summary Environment Plan

The button below provides a copy of the Environment Plan summary. A copy of this summary Environment Plan is also available on the Earth Resources Regulation website.

Upcoming Events in 2025

GB Energy will hold a number of drop in community sessions locally to provide updates on upcoming operations and the overall project. The dates will be advertised on this website, in local newspapers and via local community groups.
Further Information

Please feel free to contact GB Energy about any questions you might have in relation to the project, via email ( or Freephone 1800 423 637